Let me cut through all the 'mumbo jumbo' and hype about the MINI Goldendoodle. Let's start from the very beginning.. 1. A MINI Goldendoodle is a HYBRID cross between a Female Golden Retriever and a male MINI poodle. This occurs by artificial insemination, and in my opinion creates the perfect mix of the Golden Retriever's loyal, loving nature, and complete want to be with you and serve you, along with the Mini Poodle's Style, Sass, Intelligence, Charm, and Hypo-Allergenic status, together creating the perfect small, indoor or outdoor, big backyard or apartment pet, that is Low Shed and Allergy Friendly for your allergy sensitive family members.
2. There is absolutely no such thing as NO SHED.. If someone is trying to sell you that line...I have some ocean front property in Arizona I would like to sell you as well. But, the poodle hair is the closest to human hair and has little to no dander. That coupled with the water resistant coat of the Golden Retriever makes the perfect combination coat.
3. The F1 Mini Goldendoodle is completely different from the Standard Goldendoodle. The F1 Mini Goldendoodle is the cross between the male MINI POODLE AND A FEMALE GOLDEN RETRIEVER. They are much smaller than the average Standard Goldendoodle and are a more accommodating breed when size and weight are a factor. EX.. if you live in town and have limited space to have a pet and a large pet is just not a good fit for your lifestyle or you live in an apartment or townhouse and you are limited by size and breed. The Mini Goldendoodle will never get larger than a small to medium sized dog and will not weigh more than 30lbs if fed properly. (you feed him pizza and cupcakes all day.... well you get the idea)
4. Because they are a specialty breed, they do cost a little more than your average pet. But, because of their hypo-allergenic status and size,as well as awesome nature, they are so worth it. They will be the greatest investment in your families happiness that you will make for at least 12 years or more.
5. There will be breeders out there that will try to use smoke and mirrors to convince you that their particular breed or style are the best and everybody is a fake or puppy mill. I have to tell you.. your gut feeling is your best defense against fraudulent breeders. So many of them have no clue what they are talking about and have taken other Valid Breeders pictures and research from their websites or google and posted them as their own. Always beware if the breeder doesn't have a gallery of pictures from past litters... Or if they say things that sound to good to be true. If you have a doubt.. ask them.. you are spending good money to be completely satisfied with the breeders reputation and knowledge.
6. We here at Riverbend Kennels strive to produce the HAPPIEST, HEALTHIEST, BEST BRED, AND FOREVER HOME READY PUPPIES YOU WILL COME IN CONTACT WITH. Please give us a try before you buy from someone else. You won't regret it